My Children

Sibling Day

I am really proud of my children. I have a 9th grader, a 5th grader and a 4th grader. They decided recent to do something together. Little did they know they would do it on Sibling Day...

So a couple of weeks ago, my youngest two children (Jensen and Elexa) were talking with Beth, my wife, and they wanted to be baptized. Beth then went and talked with Jordi, my oldest, and he said he would be ok with getting baptized too.

So then we contacted the grand parental units on both sides to see if they could make it out for it. We also contacted our siblings and their wives, Beth has a single brother, and I have two brothers who are married. We had hoped that all of them could come out to the occasion but alas, only the kid’s grandparents could.

Fast forward to last night (Sibling Day 2015, April 10), we attended a baptism class prior to Friday evening services at St. Louis Family Church and then went to service. In the service, my kids were baptized. Here is the video of that occasion:

Baptism Sibling Day Jensen Elexa Jordi Family

Dialogue & Discussion