So you may have noticed the new format of my blog. Long story short, I was running Octopress and decided to change it as the theme with it just seemed “old”. So I delved into a lot of different static blog generators. I tried jekyll, hugo, hexo, and docpad. Each of these has their own merits and their ups and downs.
What swayed me in the end was I found this theme. I really liked it and its responsiveness. I wanted a responsive theme so that this blog could be easily seen on a big screen, a tablet, and even a phone. Don’t get me wrong, the Octopress theme that I had was also responsive but I saw a lot of potential with this new theme.
As you can see, I have changed somethings to fit my likings, like the cloud gif in the header. I ran across this gif a while back and wanted to reuse it.
So with quite a bit of tweaking, including a lot of reworking of my markdown posts that I had in Octopress. I added pictures for each entry and some other addons like a teaser and a subheadline. The only thing I have left is to figure out a way to get my picture album from flickr/dropbox/picasa into it. Then it will be complete. That is the final touch I will have on it and then I will focus on automating it.
Throughout this process, I have learned a little bit of javascript, markdown, and even a little go so in changing I think I will be able to possibly move to something else down the line if I want to or maybe even use a javascript-based automation toolkit like grunt to move forward.
This is going to be fun.